Unusual items found relating to William Tyrell
NSW- Over the past two years, William Tyrell has become a household name as his disappearance
has baffled all of Australia. Snatched from his grandma’s home as an innocent three year old,
leaving no trace, this is possibly one of the world’s greatest mysteries. Until recently, a cryptic
clue was found painted onto a tree trunk.
Builder Bob Carnes was driving through Middle Brother state forest on Sunday 7th of February
2016 when he came a cross a tree stump with a message painted across the tree in magenta
paint. It read – “Jesus saves William Tyrell.” Underneath the tree, a jar full of various items
was found.
The jar contained a compass, a torch, a coin and a sealed bag with blank post it notes. NSW
police couldn’t make head nor tail of this seemingly random part to the mystery, so they
turned to internet sleuths for help. One person suggested the jar may be a “wish kit”,
designed to help William found his way home. The compass to find the way, a torch to see in
the dark, and a coin to call someone and the post it notes to leave a trail.
“About 6:30 pm on Sunday 7th February, a member of the public contacted police
after a reference to William Tyrell was found painted on a tree in a state forest near Stewart’s
River, about 10km south of Kendall.” NSW Police said of the creepy message. Usually,
something like this would be treated as nothing more than a joke and would be ignored, but
the locations proximity to where he was last seen are forcing the police to take this seriously.