Zika Virus
BRAZIL- Recently there has ben a horrible virus going round called the Zika virus, this
virus has spread all across the globe cauzing babies to be born with a disease that leads
them to have a smaller head and brain.
The most suprising bit so far is that ithe virus is caused by mosquitos.
This tropical virus has spread terribly to Brazil, parts of Asia and Mexico.
Scientist are trying to find a cure but so far have not succeeded. People have got this virus
by getting bit by a mosquito which if your pregnant pases to the baby cauzing it to be born
with a severe deformity.
Lots of children born with this virus struggle to walk, talk and think. There are two types of
mosquitos that can spread Zika the Aedes Aegylpti and the Aedes Albopictus. The Aedes
Alopictus mosquito has spread Zika further than the Aedes Aegylpti.
At the moment doctors are recommending patients in certain areas of the world to not get
pregnant because if you get bitten by a mosquito theres a high chance of it passing to
there babies.The only way at the moment to protect yourself from mosquitos is to stay
inside and try not to get bitten.
Most people that get Zika tend to get rashes, sore joints, fever and conjunctivitis. The only
way to avoid Zika at the moment is to stay inside and try not to get bitten which is hard for
some people that need to work or do daily needs like go to the super market.
1/5 people with Zika become quite ill and spend a portion of thier life in hospital.