Donald 'Trumps' candidates in publicans election

AMERICA: Donald Trump thrashes all contestants including Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton and many others. He has still got a while until he finds out if he will be the president. Donald Trump had double the candidates in second place. Many people are angry about the votes because Donald Trump has been seen to be racist and aggressive.
Donald Trump has still a long way to go.
Some people have speculated that Donald Trump will make it to the last election and then be beaten, even though this could be unlikely it is also very possible. The publicans election happened in New Hampshire and in that election Donald Trump surprised multiple people, yet other people are not so surprised. Donald Trump had celebrity support because he was already known by some people, he has even been in a Simpsons episode (and in the episode he was running for president! What a coincidence) the episode was actually made before he ran for president!

Another reason why Donald Trump might win is because some of the other candidates are not liked, for example: Ted Cruz (One of Donald Trump's worst enemy's due to recent twitter tweets). Donald Trump has even tried suing Ted Cruz for possibly not being an American citizen, but in the end he was not able to. This is the 58th United States election for president. Donald Trump has been using the exact same quote: 'make America better again!' throughout the campaign.