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Grey Nurse Shark takes a Bite!

Grey Nurse Shark


On the 10th of February at the South African Aquarium a scuba diver got attacked by a Grey Nurse Shark.

The Scuba Diver went in the water to help a pregnant Grey Nurse Shark and the shark swung around and bit the Scuba Divers hand and wrist. The traumatised diver came out of the aquarium with a swollen bleeding wrist. The shark seemed happy with herself and swam to the bottom.

There was a crew waiting at the top to pull the hurt diver out of the blood filled water. The diver was struggling to get to the top. The crew pulled him up carefully and immediately gave his arm medical attention.

It is likely the shark attacked the diver in protection of her unborn baby shark. This attack was unusual because grey nurse sharks are normally calm and mind their own business.

It was lucky the shark grabbed only bit his arm not his head or body. The diver has recently recovered and even got back in to the water!

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