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Check out Alley Cat Cafe for a delicious meal or snack!

Alley Cat was very vintage, meaning there were old typewriters and bikes hanging on the wall. It was very nice and relaxing. The walls were made to look like old wood, I couldn't tell, maybe they have been real old wooden walls. There was relaxing music and very little noise other than the coffee baristas.

The food looked so good when I walked into Alley-cat. On the menu some of the things they served were scones, pastries, ice cream, coffee and sandwiches. It was hard for me to chose what I wanted. It would have been easy to find something under my $10.00 budget but I wanted ice cream. The cafe seemed like it had been there for a very long time.

The food I got was amazing. I got three scoops of vanilla ice cream with caramel topping. The ice cream was a creamy white colour and the caramel topping was like a yellowish syrup. It was served in a fancy glass bowl with a spoon and napkin. It was very sweet and it tasted like gooey caramel running down my throat.

If I found myself near Maling Road and if I was hungry or thirsty, I would go to Alley Cat. I would recommend Alley Cat Cafe to anyone who is looking for a nice and delicious meal or snack.

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