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Crepes on Maling

With winter on its way its time try some hot crepes in Canterbury.

Crepes on Maling is located on Maling Road, Canterbury. The current owners have owned the cafe for 8 months, with it previously being a struggling gift shop, called The Glass Slipper. When it opened as a cafe they named it ‘Lecafe village’ and it struggled to attract attention from customers as there is much competition with many established cafes and gift shops. It has since renamed itself as a ‘Crepes on Maling’ which i think was a good idea because it has now gained popularity and is the only place now selling crepes everyday.

We were greeted at the door and given a menu by a shy, but friendly staff member. When I went to sit down I noticed the gentle music in the background, along with vibrant fresh flowers on the table and the life quotes on the wall adding a nice touch to the cafe. Though I found the red chairs a bit bright and ‘out there’ and quite dirty which was pity.

When I looked at the menu to order I found that there was many choices of crepes that were well priced at $8.50 to $9.50 per crepe and other food such as muffins to order. Crepe toppings varied from fruit choices like strawberries, banana, also jam, syrups, chocolate and nutella. There was also a supreme crepe which was filled with chicken and vegetables. I chose the strawberry and chocolate crepe. It became quite busy once we arrived which i think delayed the service as my crepe took a while.

When my food arrived i actually thought it was quite good. It was good because there was a fine amount of fresh red strawberries making it a vibrant and full of colour in the dish. The chocolate sauce and ice cream added a nice touch and extra flavour however, I think that there should have been more chocolate sauce on the plate.

In order for the cafe to succeed i think that they will need to put on more staff for busy times and maybe some magazines and newspapers to read while you wait. The should maintain their friendly service and quality of crepes and their prices to achieve their goals.

My recommendation is to go to Crepes on Maling because of their friendly service, well priced crepes and also great tasting crepes. It’s also helpful being in such convenient location.

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