Is Donald trump the future for America
What do you think about Donald trump? If he was the president of the United States of America what might happen? Would there be peace and harmony, or wreckage and war. Would you like him as your president?
Donald trump:
His decision to block out the Mexicans from america is certainly a brave one but will people like that? Maybe the Mexicans will be fine with that or maybe they will get mad at him for excluding his country
His slogan might be one of things people like him for “ make america great again thing, Another massive positive that he wants in his country is freedom. But some people believe that he is going to achieve his goals. If trump was nominated for being the president of the United States and beat Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz. They are both very good leaders. Hillary clinton’s husband is bill clinton so you would’ve thought that she had learnt a few leadership tools from him and that she would know how to lead a country. While Ted Cruz was born in 1970 and has had a lot of experience in being a leader. But people like Donald Trump because he is crazy.
Would you have Donald Trump as your president? He has shown glimpses of great leadership skills. He does want freedom for his country and that is what everyone wants. But there is reasons why some people dislike him. He might make other countries made. If He would become the 45th president of the United States of America if he wins the nomination over clinton and cruz. The question if he becomes the president what decisions will he make?