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Terraria game review

Create your character, pick your would. Terraria is crazy fun filled game created by the genuine coding team Re-Logic. This game was created and released on May 16 2011. This game has gone through many, many updates and has changed dramatically. This game is pg so don't worry about giving it as a present to your son .


This game is about mining building and surviving in general, there are a whopping 38 bosses all with unique attacks and tactics. Building is an essential part of terraria to protect yourself by building bases and houses for NPC ( non player characters) which sell items to you. Weapons are a massive need in the game. They being melee, ranged, Mage and summoner type weapons. In total there are 360 weapons.

In this game there are 4 different coins these are important because they can buy you objects and you can sell objects for coins. There are 4 different coins: copper, silver, gold and platinum. Every enemy will drop you coins as a reward for destroying it. Zombies and green slimes give you about 75 copper coins. Harder enemies give you coins with higher value. To get platinum coins ( which have the highest value in the game) you would need 100 gold coins, yes 100 gold coins.

Hard mode is a great part of the game - obviously it's harder. To get into hard mode you must defeat the fleshy creature haunting the underworld named the wall of flesh. Hundreds of new enemies are introduced into the game and inumerous new items and weapons. The game straight away puts you to the test. Mechanical bosses spawn randomly to tackle you down. There are three mechanical bosses: destroyer, the twins and skeleton prime. Defeat the three and another boss will now be haunting the jungle.

The best tools in easy mode are molten pickaxes obtained by mining hellstone in the underworld. All the best tools you can obtain are all made from hellstone bars in easy mode. In hard mode it's a different story weapons and tools get increasingly better as you go through the game.

In hard mode you get better weapons such as vampire knives, terra blade, the horseman's blade and a death sickle. To find most of these you have to unlock chests and destroy mobs. The best sword is the terra blade, it is created by making the True Night's Edge and the True Excalibur and fusing them with a Broken hero sword. Weapons can have special prefixes which allow the weapon to perform better.

Houses and buildings are a vital part of the game to attract NPC’s and to decorate your world. In terraria there are hundreds of decorative items. Use glass walls to make your house more appealing. At night you must have a house to protect yourself.

That's all you need to know to start of.

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