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The Unsolved Mystery of Hinterkaifeck

Outside of Hinterkaifeck (Farm)

Hinterkaifeck was a farm located in the woods just outside of Groben. The house was occupied by a family called the Grubers which consisted of the father: Andreas, his wife: Cazilia and their middle aged widowed daughter Viktoria and their two grandchildren: Cazilia and Josef. Andreas unfortunately beat up his wife on a daily basis.

The farms descent into true strangeness started when the maid suddenly quit her job, the Grubers asked why and she said she had been hearing strange voices and soulless footsteps and was convinced the house was haunted. The Grubers just assured her she was mentally disturbed. Six months later things got even more bizarre: In the middle of march 1922 Andreas was studying the house after a massive snow storm and he discovered odd footprints leading up to the house - but none leading back into the woods he searched all around the house for other signs of footprints but found none… Thinking there was an intruder in his house he looked all around the house, in the barn and even the shed and found nothing and no one. That night, Andreas was awoken by strange noises coming from the attic like the maid had said to have heard. He went down finding nothing so Andreas went back to bed. Andreas woke up the next morning finding a strange newspaper on the porch that no one recognised. Not long after that on May 30th 1922 a set of keys mysteriously vanished and couldn’t be found anywhere; on the hunt to find the keys Andreas came upon the disturbing discovery of scratch marks on the lock of the shed, as if someone had tried to pick it. On may 31st, a day after Andreas made the discovery of the scratch marks, a new maid came with the name of Maria to replace the one that fled nine months ago.

After weeks of the Grubers inactivity in the town and at school, the townsfolk grew worried about the Grubers and went to investigate. When they got to Hinterkaifeck, they opened the barn door and was met with a gruesome sight. There was a pool of blood where Andreas’ wife, daughter and granddaughter were, stacked body on top of the other, hay on top of them, they were dead. They also found the grandson, Josef dead in the parents room, they also found Maria the maid dead in her room.

This mystery is still unsolved to this day.

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