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Virtual Reality

IMAGINE, Just imagine being able to teleport anywhere you want. Well virtually you can, with virtual reality. What is it? Well virtual reality comes in headsets; the headsets have built in state of the art technology with sensors, magnifiers, speakers, almost anything you can imagine that makes the experience better.

They are now being distributed to the public. The headset prices range from $20 to nearly $2500. Virtual reality has developed over the years and via the system you can play games, watch movies and look at 4k photos. This is a great way to pass time and must be the next thing in entertainment.

Samsung Gear vr (picture above) $159 AU

All over the internet speculation has started saying virtual reality is “it”, the next big tech idea like televisions or smartphones. Seriously just look up “virtual reality” and you will see the flush of speculation surrounding the topic.

What do you think about the idea? Too good to be true or, OMG!!! I NEED ONE NOW!!!!

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