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Mythmaster's Marvellous Mark of Athena

Mark of Athena

“The Mark of Athena” is the third edition of the thrilling “Heroes of Olympus” series by “Mythmaster” Rick Riordan.

After Festus the Dragon exploded and Annabeth, (from “The Lost Hero” and the “Percy Jackson” series) Jason, (from “The Lost Hero) Piper (from “The Lost Hero) and Leo (from “The Lost Hero) found the location of Percy, (from “Son of Neptune” and the “Percy Jackson” series) Leo created a huge ship named The Argo II, with Festus as the figurehead.

Annabeth, Jason, Piper and Leo fly the Argo II to Camp Jupiter, the location of Percy and the setting of Son of Neptune to find him.

There is a prophecy, the Prophecy of Seven, that the whole Heroes of Olympus is based on. It has been concluded by Camp Half-Blood that Annabeth, Piper, Jason, Leo and Percy are five of the Seven. When Percy requests that Frank and Hazel, two friends from Camp Jupiter that Percy went on a quest with, join them, Annabeth, Piper, Jason and Leo agree.

While talking to Camp Jupiter’s Praetor, Reyna, Annabeth realises that to unite the Romans and the Greeks she needs to find the Athena Parthenos, a long lost statue that only a child of Athena, like Annabeth, can find, but all who have tried to recover it has died trying.

Annabeth has to leave the rest of the Seven to find the Athena Parthenos.

Rick arranges the chapters so that you can read both Annabeth’s side of the story and the rest of the Seven’s story.

On Percy, Jason, Piper, Leo, Frank and Hazel’s side of the story, the six of them need to get to Greece to stop Gaia, the Earth Goddess from awakening.

On the way, Leo meets with Nemesis, who gives him a fortune cookie that will help the Seven in their quest, but at a price.

With Gaia’s directing, two Eidolons possess Percy, Jason and, later, Leo, but both times they are stopped by, being a child of Aphrodite, Piper’s Aphrodite skill, named Charmspeak.

Hazel is very upset with Jason and Leo as they refuse to save her half-brother, Nico Di-Angelo, who has been kidnapped by a group of giants on his quest to find the doors of death.

The ending is suspenseful, but, to those who have read Percy Jackson and the previous Heroes of Olympus books, the ending is also extremely cruel.

I would recommend this book to teenagers and fans of the Percy Jackson series.

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